if the command (knife client list) fails with this error:
WARNING: No knife configuration file found
WARN: Failed to read the private key /etc/chef/client.pem: #
make sure you downloaded the chef-repo and configured knife.rb file which looks like this:
check this guide to learn how to setup and configure chef workstation :
WARNING: No knife configuration file found
WARN: Failed to read the private key /etc/chef/client.pem: #
make sure you downloaded the chef-repo and configured knife.rb file which looks like this:
current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
log_level :info
log_location STDOUT
node_name "admin"
client_key "#{current_dir}/admin.pem"
validation_client_name "org-validator"
validation_key "#{current_dir}/org-validator.pem"
chef_server_url "https://server_domain_or_IP/organizations/org"
syntax_check_cache_path "#{ENV['HOME']}/.chef/syntaxcache"
cookbook_path ["#{current_dir}/../cookbooks"]
also make sure you are at the chef-repo directory, running the command from another directory will give you the same error.check this guide to learn how to setup and configure chef workstation :